
First Title in French!
I am happy to announce that I have released my first title in French. It is a translation of Meditation for

En Blomst får liv Available Now
Today I have released a Danish edition of Becoming a Flower titled En blomst får liv. En meditation til at finde jordforbindelse. You

Danish Edition of Becoming a Flower Coming Soon
On March 10th, I am releasing a Danish edition of Becoming a Flower titled En blomst får liv. En meditation

Extended Danish Editions of Meditation for Physical Relaxation Now Available
The Danish edition of Meditation for Physical Relaxation. Extended Version is now available as an audiobook and on my Patreon.

Danish Editions of Meditation for Physical Relaxation Now Available
The Danish edition of Meditation for Physical Relaxation is now available as an audiobook and on my Patreon. A 30-minute

Danish Editions of Meditation for Physical Relaxation Coming Soon
On January 31st, I am releasing a Danish edition of Meditation for Physical Relaxation. It will come as a 10-minute

Daytime-Version of The Cozy Cabin Available December 1st, 2021
My sleep story The Cozy Cabin is one of my most popular audiobooks. It has been streamed on audiobook streaming platforms

Binaural Version of Den nemmeste afspændningsøvelse nogensinde now Available
The original version of Den nemmeste afspændningsøvelse was released in Danish in June this year. Today, I am releasing a

New Loving-Kindness Meditation
A loving-kindness meditation based on my own personal favorite phrases is now available. I released both a Swedish and an

Binaural Version of The Rose Garden in Danish now Available
The original version of Rosenhaven (The Rose Garden) was released in Danish in June this year. Today, I am releasing
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Redefining Love. Book, Lecture and Course Recommendations About Love and Positivity
A few yeas ago, I took an online course in positive psychology taught by Barbara Fredrickson from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I

Great Meditation Music by SPA Hotel
I want to start this blog by recommending some great relaxing music by SPA Music. When I wrote my master thesis in English (about the